What are we reading this May?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

May Suggestions/Voting

So voting for the next RoD! book starts Friday. Jitterbug Perfume and On The Road are one the list. We need at least two more suggestions. So, suggest a book. Even if someone before you has suggested it, suggest it. The most popular ones will be in the vote. If the popular thing doesn't work out, then they will be randomly selected (cuz I'm a nerd, and I have dice of many sides that have never been used).

Voting will go pretty much the same way as it did last time. Everyone pick one or two books. The vote will be up for a week.


  1. I'm just gonna keep suggesting books that I own and haven't read yet. Books like:
    Good Omens - Gaiman & Pratchett.
    The Hell of It All - Charlie Brooker (though this one might not be fair, have to order it from the UK)
    The Wild Boys - William S Burroughs
    Magnificent Desolation - John Robinson

    There are more, but that's enough for now (read: can't read titles from here, and I'm too lazy to go look)

  2. I think I'm 1/4 of the way through The Hell Of It All. I also haven't read Magnificent Desolation, yet.
    So, yeah, I also suggest those. :P

  3. I for one don't mind ordering from the UK; it usually only takes about 2 weeks, IIRC, though I am old, so I may not RC. :p

    And oooh, I have to say, Magnificent Desolation is very good and not just because I'm prejudiced. His Mystics on the Road to the Vanishing Point is my favorite.

    And of course Good Omens is always awesome.

    *I* would like to suggest Christopher Moore's Lamb. I've read it several times, but it is THAT good: funny, oddly touching, hysterical, beautiful by turns, clever, and also funny and hysterical. Just a perfect book. Seriously. NOT for those who can't handle a bit of irreverence towards Christianity, however, even though this is all resolved.

  4. Oh, right. I also have Lamb here somewhere.

    Let's just imagine I suggested that as well. :P

  5. I'm pretty stoked for any of the aforementioned.. :-)

  6. Have we considered the twitter frenzy book?

    American Gods?

    Or we could stick with the name of the club and go with one of what *I* consider the most important books out currently with

    Max Brooks' World War Z.

    We could also go with an older less spoken about book with "The Gunslinger".

    Classic Sci-fi with Dune, or even the satirical Mission Earth books.

    More of a fiction vein with a science twist of Sagan's Contact.

    Straying more into the world of horror with Clive Barker's Imajica.

    A high school classic with Ender's Game.

    Another of my personal favs of Snow Crash.

    Since. . . I have issues with books and don't want to gush or be pointed and laughed at. . . I'll end now :)
